Whether You Succeed or Fail,
Always Dare Greatly
The Dare Greatly Foundation honors the legacy of SSgt. Tanner Romanos. Join our effort to recognize and support the best young people among us.

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Our Vision
A world where all young people live every day with strong moral values and work together to make every day better for other people around them.
Our Mission
We recognize and support young people who embody good character, strong morals, honesty, integrity, respect, and a passion for civic duty, volunteering, and helping others.
Our Purpose
We publicize the achievements and provide financial scholarships to young people who meet the noble requirements of our application. They may use our support to further their education or give life to endeavors that help other people in broad ways. Through this process, we hope to empower a new generation of young leaders who can build a better society.
Why Dare Greatly?
The Dare Greatly Foundation honors the legacy of SSgt. Tanner Romanos. As Tanner’s dad, I was very proud of him for enlisting in the United States Air Force and helping to protect our country. On the day he left for basic training, I gave him a card and a frame with the Man in the Arena speech in it. In the card, I told him how proud I was, and I encouraged him to face his fears, not to worry about the critics, and always remember, whether he failed or succeeded, that he should always “Dare Greatly” in his efforts. He did just that.

Meet the 2024 Scholarship Recipients
Meet Our Advisory Board
Our board members work on a volunteer basis and bring in diverse perspectives. They offer strategic counsel to guide our work and make recommendations on key issues.